Donate to L'Arche

Your Gift Makes A Difference

Donations in support of L’Arche Jacksonville, a non-profit agency, are gratefully received and are fully tax-deductible. And if you have questions, please contact us.

Checks are also a wonderful surprise. Please mail to:

L’Arche Jacksonville
700 Arlington Rd. N.
Jacksonville, FL 32211

Donate Now
Tribute Gifts

Contributions made in memory of a loved one, or in celebration of special events such as birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, etc. are the perfect way to recognize life events with a purpose. Simply select that option when making an online gift.

Foundations and Grants

If you are a member of a charitable foundation or know about grant opportunities that could help L’Arche Jacksonville, or if you have any questions about becoming a supporter, please contact us.

DONATE NOW  by check or credit card.

Or, sign in and give through your PayPal account

Impact Report 2023
Impact Report 2023
L'Arche Jacksonville Case for Support
L'Arche Jacksonville Case for Support

Event Sponsorship and Participation – Individual or corporate sponsors for the Holiday Extravaganza, Living Nativity, & Annual Golf Classic

Volunteer – Individual or Groups – A wide variety of projects, programs, and events for all age groups.

Planned Giving Contact us for information.

– Write in L’Arche Jacksonville on your United Way form at work

– Give an in-kind donation

Crowdfund with a campaign through Facebook

– Make a donation at Network for Good and designate L’Arche Jacksonville

Remember L’Arche Jacksonville in your will.